The bill: The financial cost of becoming a DJ

While Haidak is completely content and happy with his career choice of becoming a DJ, he explains that just like any other career, it takes a lot of time and effort to succeed. He also mentions that there are many considerations before taking on the life of a DJ, full time.

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One of the more important considerations is the expense. For many reasons, becoming a DJ does not come cheap. Just like many musicians, DJs need gear – expensive ones. Below is a list of things that aspiring DJs may want to check and set aside a budget.

Education: It may come as a surprise to some that DJs need training as well. Like other musicians, self-teaching could be an option, but Haidak notes that DJ training has its advantages, from a boosted career start to even connections in the industry. However, basic lessons may set a person back as much as $500. And that’s just the introductory course.

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Mixer: Mixers are a must. They can cost as much as $2,500 for the best ones available. Used mixers, though, are much more affordable. Some may even be fetched for a hundred bucks. Haidak reminds everyone to get a mixer connected to turntables, CD decks, or laptops and computers. Those cost around $300.

Laptop : Speaking of laptops, DJs need to have a laptop for their gigs with at least 8GB of RAM and an i5 processor or higher. These go for around $500. For their homes, they can find a good PC at around the same price. DJ mixing programs are also needed, and they cost $100 to $300, Haidak adds.

DJ-producer Haidak is making a mark in the global electronic music industry. The talented musician has taken decks in venues across the world and shows no signs of stopping with a promising career ahead. Head over to this blog for similar reads.

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