Whatever happened to the so-called loudness war

At some point in music history, there is a trend called “the loudness war,” in which music recordings seem a bit too eager to stand out. Haidak looks back at this period to know the facts and what happened in one of the most contentious times in music recording. The objective of the loudness war …

Several ways that novice DJs can make a name for themselves

DJ Haidak had to grind it out when he started, and he was quite content with taking no shortcuts to become one of the up-and-coming names in the music scene today. What sets him apart is his enthusiasm to encourage other individuals to go through the same DJing process. He shares some ways that novice …

Seven tips for the budding music producer

Music production is not for the weak. Although almost anyone with a powerful computer can dabble in music production, not everyone has the skill and commitment to become excellent in the craft. Here are seven things every beginning music producer needs to know to get better at music production. Get people to hear the music, …

In the eyes of a DJ: How electronic music has evolved throughout the years

DJ Haidak, one of today’s up and coming DJs, has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to his kind of music because he started at a very early age. In fact, he often shares what he knows about the industry, including its early roots. This blog is his way of imparting what he knows …

The basics of at-home music studio

There are many perks to maintaining an at-home music studio. While an at-home music studio is a tiny, humble version of a full-scale recording and mixing studio, it can be equipped with professional equipment that produces quality tracks. In this post, DJ-producer Haidak shares the basics of a home studio. Choose a room with a …

A practical guide to choosing a studio microphone

When it comes to recording projects, having a good microphone is crucial. However, not all mics are created equal. While some might be good for recording voices, they might not be good for capturing the sound of instruments. DJ-producer Haidak shares what one should look for in a studio microphone. Purpose When setting up a …

The bill: The financial cost of becoming a DJ

While Haidak is completely content and happy with his career choice of becoming a DJ, he explains that just like any other career, it takes a lot of time and effort to succeed. He also mentions that there are many considerations before taking on the life of a DJ, full time. One of the more …

What DJs can do during this downtime

Because of all the safety protocols and restrictions enforced during today’s global health crisis, countless people everywhere are forced to stay in their homes, including DJs. However, this downtime does not mean that DJs would let their skills and talent remain stagnant, or worse, rot. Europe-based DJ Haidak shares expert advice on how DJs can …

Should you hire a professional DJ?

Throwing parties comes with an expensive price tag. Individuals who are not willing to spend much on an event may be tempted to economize and make a few cuts on the services necessary to throwing a successful party. Here are a few reasons to never cut a professional DJ from the budget. During weddings and …

Six equipment pieces you need for a home studio setup

In this day and age, anyone can just release their own music on the Internet. This allows audiences to enjoy a plethora of good music for free. A home studio setup is not as elaborate as a professional music studio. However, it should have all the goods that would permit one to make the best …

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